An abstract API for generalising interactions between a host application and an asset management system
▼Nopenassetio | Typedefs for the trait property data stored within specifications |
▼NhostApi | |
▼Nterminology | This module provides utilities for a host that simplify the integration of a manager's custom terminology into its user-facing components |
CMapper | String substitution methods and lookups to determine the correct terminology for the supplied manager |
▼NpluginSystem | This module provides a plugin system that can be used to register and instantiate manager plugins from code that lives outside of the openassetio package |
▼NPythonPluginSystem | A single-class module, providing the PythonPluginSystem class |
CPythonPluginSystem | Loads Python Packages, using entry point discovery or from a custom search path |
▼NPythonPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactory | A single-class module, providing the PythonPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactory class |
CPythonPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactory | A Factory to manage openassetio.pluginSystem.PythonPluginSystemManagerPlugin derived plugins |
▼NPythonPluginSystemManagerPlugin | A single-class module, providing the PythonPluginSystemManagerPlugin class |
CPythonPluginSystemManagerPlugin | This class represents the various derived classes that make up the binding to a Asset Management System |
▼NPythonPluginSystemPlugin | A single-class module, providing the PythonPluginSystemPlugin class |
CPythonPluginSystemPlugin | The base class that defines a plugin of the plugin system |
▼Ntest | This module provides utilities to test an OpenAssetIO implementation |
▼Nmanager | This package contains a test harness that can exercise a manager plugin implementation against a standard API compliance suite, or other user supplied test cases |
▼NapiComplianceSuite | A manager test harness test case suite that validates that a specific manager plugin complies to the relevant core OpenAssetIO API contract |
CTest_createChildState | Tests that the createChildState method is implemented if createState has been implemented to return a custom state object |
CTest_displayName | Check plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.displayName |
CTest_entityExists | Check plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.entityExists |
CTest_entityTraits | Check plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.entityTraits |
▼CTest_getWithRelationship_All | Check plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.getWithRelationship[s] |
Cweaklist | Built-in list type does not support weakref, so create this shim |
CTest_identifier | Check plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.identifier |
CTest_info | Check plugin's implementation of |
CTest_initialize | Check plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.initialize |
CTest_isEntityReferenceString | Check plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.isEntityReferenceString |
CTest_managementPolicy | Check plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.managementPolicy |
CTest_persistenceTokenForState | Tests that the persistenceTokenForState method is implemented if createState has been implemented to return a custom state object |
CTest_preflight | Check a plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.preflight |
CTest_register | Check a plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.register |
CTest_resolve | Check plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.resolve |
CTest_settings | Check plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.settings |
CTest_stateFromPersistenceToken | Tests that the persistenceTokenForState method is implemented if createState has been implemented to return a custom state object |
CTest_updateTerminology | Check plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.updateTerminology |
▼Nharness | A unittest based test harness that allows manager plugin developers to check that their implementation meets the requirements of the API |
CFixtureAugmentedTestCase | Base test case class that all test classes must inherit from |
▼Nv1 | |
▼Nerrors | This namespace contains types related to error handling |
CBatchElementError | Structure representing per-element batch operation errors |
CBatchElementException | Exception thrown when a BatchElementError is converted |
CConfigurationException | A special case of InputValidationException for cases where the input comes from external config, rather than function arguments |
CInputValidationException | Thrown whenever the input to a public API function is invalid for the requested operation |
CNotImplementedException | Thrown whenever a procedure must abort due to not being implemented |
COpenAssetIOException | Exception base for all OpenAssetIO exceptions |
CUnhandledException | Exceptions emitted from manager plugins that are not handled will be converted to this type and re-thrown when the exception passes through the OpenAssetIO middleware |
▼NhostApi | This namespace contains code relevant to anyone wanting to add support for a host application |
CEntityReferencePager | The EntityReferencePager allows for the retrieval and traversal of large datasets in a paginated manner |
CHostInterface | The HostInterface provides an abstraction of the 'caller of the API' |
▼CManager | The Manager is the Host facing representation of an Asset Management System |
▼CBatchElementErrorPolicyTag | Tag dispatching structure intended for use selecting appropriate overloads for various error-handling modes |
CException | Exception policy overloads, when used in a batch context, will emit an exception at the first encountered errors::BatchElementError provided by the ManagerInterface |
CVariant | Variant policy overloads, when used in a batch context, will be exhaustive for all elements in the batch, a variant result containing either a trait::TraitsData or errors::BatchElementError will be provided for each EntityReference provided as an argument to the operation |
▼CManagerFactory | The ManagerFactory is the primary mechanism for querying for available managers and constructing a Manager |
CManagerDetail | Simple struct containing the default configuration details of a potential manager implementation |
CManagerImplementationFactoryInterface | Manager Factories are responsible for instantiating classes that derive from openassetio::v1::managerApi::ManagerInterface for use within a host |
▼Ninternal | Contains private internal implementation details |
▼Ncapability | |
▼Nlog | This namespace contains code relevant to message logging within the API |
CConsoleLogger | A logger that sends messages to the console (stderr) |
CLoggerInterface | An abstract base class that defines the receiving interface for log messages generated a manager or the API middleware |
CSeverityFilter | The SeverityFilter is a wrapper for a logger that drops messages below a requested severity |
▼NmanagerApi | This namespace contains code relevant to anyone wanting to add support for an asset management system |
CEntityReferencePagerInterface | Deals with the retrieval of paginated data from the backend at the behest of the host |
CHost | The Host object represents the tool or application that created a session with OpenAssetIO, and wants to query or store information within a manager |
CHostSession | The HostSession is a manager-facing class that represents a discrete API session started by a host in order to communicate with a manager |
CManagerInterface | This Interface binds a Asset Management System into OpenAssetIO |
CManagerStateBase | An abstract base for all Manager State objects |
▼NpluginSystem | |
CCppPluginSystem | Generic plugin system for C++ plugins |
CCppPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactory | A factory to manage CppPluginSystemManagerPlugin derived plugins |
CCppPluginSystemManagerPlugin | Base class to be subclassed by plugins binding a host to an Asset Management System |
CCppPluginSystemPlugin | The base class that defines a plugin of the C++ plugin system |
CHybridPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactory | The hybrid plugin system composes one or more child plugin systems, and abstracts away routing API calls based on priority and capability |
▼Npython | Utilities for bridging from C++ to Python |
▼Ntrait | Comprises concrete trait views wrapping TraitsData instances |
CTraitsData | A transport-level container for data exchange between a host and a manager |
▼Nutils | |
CFileUrlPathConverter | Utility class for converting between file system paths and file URLs |
CContext | The Context object is used to convey information about the calling environment to a manager |
CEntityReference | EntityReference forms a strongly typed wrapper around arbitrary strings to ensure they have been validated by the target manager before being used as an Entity Reference in the various entity related API calls |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< openassetio::EntityReference > |
Copyright 2013-2023 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. OpenAssetIO is released under the Apache 2.0 License