An abstract API for generalising interactions between a host application and an asset management system
openassetio::v1::managerApi Namespace Reference

This namespace contains code relevant to anyone wanting to add support for an asset management system. More...


class  EntityReferencePagerInterface
 Deals with the retrieval of paginated data from the backend at the behest of the host. More...
class  Host
 The Host object represents the tool or application that created a session with OpenAssetIO, and wants to query or store information within a manager. More...
class  HostSession
 The HostSession is a manager-facing class that represents a discrete API session started by a host in order to communicate with a manager. More...
class  ManagerInterface
 This Interface binds a Asset Management System into OpenAssetIO. More...
class  ManagerStateBase
 An abstract base for all Manager State objects. More...


using ManagerStateBasePtr = std::shared_ptr< ManagerStateBase >
using ManagerStateBaseConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const ManagerStateBase >
using HostSessionPtr = std::shared_ptr< HostSession >
using HostSessionConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const HostSession >
using EntityReferencePagerInterfacePtr = std::shared_ptr< EntityReferencePagerInterface >
using EntityReferencePagerInterfaceConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const EntityReferencePagerInterface >
using ManagerInterfacePtr = std::shared_ptr< ManagerInterface >
using ManagerInterfaceConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const ManagerInterface >
using HostPtr = std::shared_ptr< Host >
using HostConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const Host >


OPENASSETIO_CORE_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ManagerInterface::Capability &formattable)
 Insertion operator for use with ostreams. More...

Detailed Description

This namespace contains code relevant to anyone wanting to add support for an asset management system.

If you are a tool or application developer, see hostApi.

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::shared_ptr< const Host > HostConstPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< Host > HostPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< const HostSession > HostSessionConstPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< HostSession > HostSessionPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< const ManagerInterface > ManagerInterfaceConstPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< ManagerInterface > ManagerInterfacePtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< const ManagerStateBase > ManagerStateBaseConstPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< ManagerStateBase > ManagerStateBasePtr

Function Documentation

OPENASSETIO_CORE_EXPORT std::ostream& openassetio::v1::managerApi::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const ManagerInterface::Capability formattable 

Insertion operator for use with ostreams.

Formats as "humanReadableCapabilityName".