An abstract API for generalising interactions between a host application and an asset management system
openassetio.hostApi.terminology Namespace Reference

This module provides utilities for a host that simplify the integration of a manager's custom terminology into its user-facing components. More...


class  Mapper
 The Mapper class provides string substitution methods and lookups to determine the correct terminology for the supplied manager. More...


dictionary defaultTerminology
 Default terminology for the API. More...
Terminology dict keys
string kTerm_Asset = "asset"
string kTerm_Assets = "assets"
string kTerm_Manager = "manager"
string kTerm_Publish = "publish"
string kTerm_Publishing = "publishing"
string kTerm_Published = "published"
string kTerm_Shot = "shot"
string kTerm_Shots = "shots"

Detailed Description

This module provides utilities for a host that simplify the integration of a manager's custom terminology into its user-facing components.

The terminology mapping mechanism allows Managers to customize terminology used within the host application.

The Mapper class allows for more efficient access to term mapping during a Host session, and for the host to provide additional terminology keys.

Variable Documentation

dictionary defaultTerminology
Initial value:
1 = {
2  kTerm_Asset: "Asset",
3  kTerm_Assets: "Assets",
4  kTerm_Manager: "Asset Manager",
5  kTerm_Publish: "Publish",
6  kTerm_Publishing: "Publishing",
7  kTerm_Published: "Published",
8  kTerm_Shot: "Shot",
9  kTerm_Shots: "Shots",
10 }

Default terminology for the API.

Hosts may choose to add additional terminology keys when constructing a Mapper, but there is no expectation that any given manager would customize keys other than the defaultTerminology.

string kTerm_Asset = "asset"
string kTerm_Assets = "assets"
string kTerm_Manager = "manager"
string kTerm_Publish = "publish"
string kTerm_Published = "published"
string kTerm_Publishing = "publishing"
string kTerm_Shot = "shot"
string kTerm_Shots = "shots"