An abstract API for generalising interactions between a host application and an asset management system
PythonPluginSystem Class Reference

Loads Python Packages, using entry point discovery or from a custom search path. More...

Inheritance diagram for PythonPluginSystem:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, logger)
def reset (self)
 Clears any previously loaded plugins. More...
def scan (self, paths)
 Searches the supplied paths for modules that define a PythonPluginSystemPlugin through a top-level openassetioPlugin variable. More...
def scan_entry_points (self, entryPointName)
 Searches packages for entry points that define a PythonPluginSystemPlugin through a top-level openassetioPlugin variable. More...
def identifiers (self)
 Returns the identifiers known to the plugin system. More...
def plugin (self, identifier)
 Retrieves the plugin that provides the given identifier. More...
def register (self, cls, path="<unknown>")
 Allows manual registration of a PythonPluginSystemPlugin derived class. More...

Detailed Description

Loads Python Packages, using entry point discovery or from a custom search path.

If they manager a top-level 'plugin' attribute, that holds a class derived from PythonPluginSystemPlugin, it will be registered with its identifier. Once a plug-in has registered an identifier, any subsequent registrations with that id will be skipped.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def __init__ (   self,

Member Function Documentation

def identifiers (   self)

Returns the identifiers known to the plugin system.

If scan has not been called, then this will be empty.

def plugin (   self,

Retrieves the plugin that provides the given identifier.

errors.InputValidationExceptionRaised if no plugin provides the specified identifier.
def register (   self,
  path = "<unknown>" 

Allows manual registration of a PythonPluginSystemPlugin derived class.

This can be used to register plugins using means other than the built-in file system scanning.

pathstr Some reference to where this plugin originated, used for debug messaging when duplicate registrations of the same identifier are encountered.
def reset (   self)

Clears any previously loaded plugins.

def scan (   self,

Searches the supplied paths for modules that define a PythonPluginSystemPlugin through a top-level openassetioPlugin variable.

Paths are searched left-to-right, but only the first instance of any given plugin identifier will be used, and subsequent registrations ignored. This means entries to the left of the paths list take precedence over ones to the right.

Precedence order is undefined for plugins sharing the same identifier within the same directory.
pathsstr A list of paths to search, delimited by os.pathsep.
def scan_entry_points (   self,

Searches packages for entry points that define a PythonPluginSystemPlugin through a top-level openassetioPlugin variable.

The order of discovery is determined by importlib, only the first plugin with any given identifier will be registered.
entryPointNamestr The entry point name to search for (see: importlib.metadata.entry_points group).
True if entry point discovery is possible, False if there was a problem loading importlib.metadata.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • /src/src/openassetio-python/package/openassetio/pluginSystem/