An abstract API for generalising interactions between a host application and an asset management system
openassetio::v1::log Namespace Reference

This namespace contains code relevant to message logging within the API. More...


class  ConsoleLogger
 A logger that sends messages to the console (stderr). More...
class  LoggerInterface
 An abstract base class that defines the receiving interface for log messages generated a manager or the API middleware. More...
class  SeverityFilter
 The SeverityFilter is a wrapper for a logger that drops messages below a requested severity. More...


using LoggerInterfacePtr = std::shared_ptr< LoggerInterface >
using LoggerInterfaceConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const LoggerInterface >
using ConsoleLoggerPtr = std::shared_ptr< ConsoleLogger >
using ConsoleLoggerConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const ConsoleLogger >
using SeverityFilterPtr = std::shared_ptr< SeverityFilter >
using SeverityFilterConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const SeverityFilter >

Detailed Description

This namespace contains code relevant to message logging within the API.

Host authors provide an implementation of LoggerInterface to a manager to channel its messages. The API middleware also makes use of this logger to provide debugging information about use of the API at runtime.

Typedef Documentation

using ConsoleLoggerConstPtr = std::shared_ptr<const ConsoleLogger >
using ConsoleLoggerPtr = std::shared_ptr< ConsoleLogger >
typedef std::shared_ptr< const LoggerInterface > LoggerInterfaceConstPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< LoggerInterface > LoggerInterfacePtr
using SeverityFilterConstPtr = std::shared_ptr<const SeverityFilter >
using SeverityFilterPtr = std::shared_ptr< SeverityFilter >