An abstract API for generalising interactions between a host application and an asset management system
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBatchElementErrorStructure representing per-element batch operation errors
 CManager::BatchElementErrorPolicyTagTag dispatching structure intended for use selecting appropriate overloads for various error-handling modes
 CContextThe Context object is used to convey information about the calling environment to a manager
 CCppPluginSystemGeneric plugin system for C++ plugins
 CCppPluginSystemPluginThe base class that defines a plugin of the C++ plugin system
 CCppPluginSystemManagerPluginBase class to be subclassed by plugins binding a host to an Asset Management System
 CEntityReferenceEntityReference forms a strongly typed wrapper around arbitrary strings to ensure they have been validated by the target manager before being used as an Entity Reference in the various entity related API calls
 CEntityReferencePagerThe EntityReferencePager allows for the retrieval and traversal of large datasets in a paginated manner
 CEntityReferencePagerInterfaceDeals with the retrieval of paginated data from the backend at the behest of the host
 CManager::BatchElementErrorPolicyTag::ExceptionException policy overloads, when used in a batch context, will emit an exception at the first encountered errors::BatchElementError provided by the ManagerInterface
 CFileUrlPathConverterUtility class for converting between file system paths and file URLs
 Chash< openassetio::EntityReference >
 CHostThe Host object represents the tool or application that created a session with OpenAssetIO, and wants to query or store information within a manager
 CHostInterfaceThe HostInterface provides an abstraction of the 'caller of the API'
 CHostSessionThe HostSession is a manager-facing class that represents a discrete API session started by a host in order to communicate with a manager
 CTest_getWithRelationship_All.weaklistBuilt-in list type does not support weakref, so create this shim
 CLoggerInterfaceAn abstract base class that defines the receiving interface for log messages generated a manager or the API middleware
 CConsoleLoggerA logger that sends messages to the console (stderr)
 CSeverityFilterThe SeverityFilter is a wrapper for a logger that drops messages below a requested severity
 CManagerThe Manager is the Host facing representation of an Asset Management System
 CManagerFactory::ManagerDetailSimple struct containing the default configuration details of a potential manager implementation
 CManagerFactoryThe ManagerFactory is the primary mechanism for querying for available managers and constructing a Manager
 CManagerImplementationFactoryInterfaceManager Factories are responsible for instantiating classes that derive from openassetio::v1::managerApi::ManagerInterface for use within a host
 CCppPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactoryA factory to manage CppPluginSystemManagerPlugin derived plugins
 CHybridPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactoryThe hybrid plugin system composes one or more child plugin systems, and abstracts away routing API calls based on priority and capability
 CManagerInterfaceThis Interface binds a Asset Management System into OpenAssetIO
 CManagerStateBaseAn abstract base for all Manager State objects
 CMapperString substitution methods and lookups to determine the correct terminology for the supplied manager
 CPythonPluginSystemLoads Python Packages, using entry point discovery or from a custom search path
 CPythonPluginSystemPluginThe base class that defines a plugin of the plugin system
 COpenAssetIOExceptionException base for all OpenAssetIO exceptions
 CBatchElementExceptionException thrown when a BatchElementError is converted
 CInputValidationExceptionThrown whenever the input to a public API function is invalid for the requested operation
 CConfigurationExceptionA special case of InputValidationException for cases where the input comes from external config, rather than function arguments
 CNotImplementedExceptionThrown whenever a procedure must abort due to not being implemented
 CUnhandledExceptionExceptions emitted from manager plugins that are not handled will be converted to this type and re-thrown when the exception passes through the OpenAssetIO middleware
 CFixtureAugmentedTestCaseBase test case class that all test classes must inherit from
 CTraitsDataA transport-level container for data exchange between a host and a manager
 CManager::BatchElementErrorPolicyTag::VariantVariant policy overloads, when used in a batch context, will be exhaustive for all elements in the batch, a variant result containing either a trait::TraitsData or errors::BatchElementError will be provided for each EntityReference provided as an argument to the operation
 CTest_createChildStateTests that the createChildState method is implemented if createState has been implemented to return a custom state object
 CTest_displayNameCheck plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.displayName
 CTest_entityExistsCheck plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.entityExists
 CTest_entityTraitsCheck plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.entityTraits
 CTest_getWithRelationship_AllCheck plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.getWithRelationship[s]
 CTest_identifierCheck plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.identifier
 CTest_infoCheck plugin's implementation of
 CTest_initializeCheck plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.initialize
 CTest_isEntityReferenceStringCheck plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.isEntityReferenceString
 CTest_managementPolicyCheck plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.managementPolicy
 CTest_persistenceTokenForStateTests that the persistenceTokenForState method is implemented if createState has been implemented to return a custom state object
 CTest_preflightCheck a plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.preflight
 CTest_registerCheck a plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.register
 CTest_resolveCheck plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.resolve
 CTest_settingsCheck plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.settings
 CTest_stateFromPersistenceTokenTests that the persistenceTokenForState method is implemented if createState has been implemented to return a custom state object
 CTest_updateTerminologyCheck plugin's implementation of managerApi.ManagerInterface.updateTerminology
 CPythonPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactoryA Factory to manage openassetio.pluginSystem.PythonPluginSystemManagerPlugin derived plugins
 CPythonPluginSystemManagerPluginThis class represents the various derived classes that make up the binding to a Asset Management System