An abstract API for generalising interactions between a host application and an asset management system
This is the complete list of members for ManagerInterface, including all inherited members.
BatchElementErrorCallback typedef | ManagerInterface | |
Capability enum name | ManagerInterface | |
ConstPtr typedef | ManagerInterface | |
createChildState(const ManagerStateBasePtr &parentState, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
createEntityReference(Str entityReferenceString) const | ManagerInterface | protected |
createState(const HostSessionPtr &hostSession) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
defaultEntityReference(const trait::TraitSets &traitSets, access::DefaultEntityAccess defaultEntityAccess, const ContextConstPtr &context, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession, const DefaultEntityReferenceSuccessCallback &successCallback, const BatchElementErrorCallback &errorCallback) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
DefaultEntityReferenceSuccessCallback typedef | ManagerInterface | |
displayName() const =0 | ManagerInterface | pure virtual |
entityExists(const EntityReferences &entityReferences, const ContextConstPtr &context, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession, const ExistsSuccessCallback &successCallback, const BatchElementErrorCallback &errorCallback) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
entityTraits(const EntityReferences &entityReferences, access::EntityTraitsAccess entityTraitsAccess, const ContextConstPtr &context, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession, const EntityTraitsSuccessCallback &successCallback, const BatchElementErrorCallback &errorCallback) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
EntityTraitsSuccessCallback typedef | ManagerInterface | |
ExistsSuccessCallback typedef | ManagerInterface | |
flushCaches(const HostSessionPtr &hostSession) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
getWithRelationship(const EntityReferences &entityReferences, const trait::TraitsDataPtr &relationshipTraitsData, const trait::TraitSet &resultTraitSet, size_t pageSize, access::RelationsAccess relationsAccess, const ContextConstPtr &context, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession, const RelationshipQuerySuccessCallback &successCallback, const BatchElementErrorCallback &errorCallback) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
getWithRelationships(const EntityReference &entityReference, const trait::TraitsDatas &relationshipTraitsDatas, const trait::TraitSet &resultTraitSet, size_t pageSize, access::RelationsAccess relationsAccess, const ContextConstPtr &context, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession, const RelationshipQuerySuccessCallback &successCallback, const BatchElementErrorCallback &errorCallback) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
hasCapability(Capability capability)=0 | ManagerInterface | pure virtual |
identifier() const =0 | ManagerInterface | pure virtual |
info() | ManagerInterface | virtual |
initialize(InfoDictionary managerSettings, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
isEntityReferenceString(const Str &someString, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
kCapabilityNames | ManagerInterface | static |
managementPolicy(const trait::TraitSets &traitSets, access::PolicyAccess policyAccess, const ContextConstPtr &context, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
ManagerInterface() | ManagerInterface | |
persistenceTokenForState(const ManagerStateBasePtr &state, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
preflight(const EntityReferences &entityReferences, const trait::TraitsDatas &traitsHints, access::PublishingAccess publishingAccess, const ContextConstPtr &context, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession, const PreflightSuccessCallback &successCallback, const BatchElementErrorCallback &errorCallback) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
PreflightSuccessCallback typedef | ManagerInterface | |
Ptr typedef | ManagerInterface | |
register_(const EntityReferences &entityReferences, const trait::TraitsDatas &entityTraitsDatas, access::PublishingAccess publishingAccess, const ContextConstPtr &context, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession, const RegisterSuccessCallback &successCallback, const BatchElementErrorCallback &errorCallback) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
RegisterSuccessCallback typedef | ManagerInterface | |
RelationshipQuerySuccessCallback typedef | ManagerInterface | |
resolve(const EntityReferences &entityReferences, const trait::TraitSet &traitSet, access::ResolveAccess resolveAccess, const ContextConstPtr &context, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession, const ResolveSuccessCallback &successCallback, const BatchElementErrorCallback &errorCallback) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
ResolveSuccessCallback typedef | ManagerInterface | |
settings(const HostSessionPtr &hostSession) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
stateFromPersistenceToken(const Str &token, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
updateTerminology(StrMap terms, const HostSessionPtr &hostSession) | ManagerInterface | virtual |
~ManagerInterface()=default | ManagerInterface | virtual |
Copyright 2013-2023 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. OpenAssetIO is released under the Apache 2.0 License